Jesus is the miracle for Jacksonville!

Service Times

We meet at 615 N. Bailey Street at 10:00am each Sunday morning and at 7:00pm each Wednesday for our Midweek Bible Study.  Our services are held in the Education Building behind the Sanctuary while it continues to undergo remodeling.


Join us and be sure to bring a friend!

Ministries for the whole family!

We have an opportunity for every member of the family, regardless of age, to serve and worship.  Come join our family and find your place!

If you change a man, his family will change, too; then his church; and then his community. But it starts with a man, and every man needs to be discipled.


Our church is passionate about helping men journey closer with Christ through a lifelong discipleship process.


We believe each man should be a priest in the home, the church, and the community. That's why we place such a high emphasis on discipleship.

We believe every woman is called to minister. Whether or not you consider yourself a leader, you can impact your struggling neighbor, coworker, or friend.


We are here to encourage, partner with each other, and provide resources to help you minister to the needs of women. Our purpose is to discover and develop biblical, godly resources to help disciple women in every stage of life.

At Jacksonville First Assembly, we love the next generation of the Church.  We minister to our children and youth so that they can grow in the Lord and learn his Word.  We offer Children's Church on Wednesday evenings during the midweek Bible Study.  


We have worship and teaching to build them spiritually.  Please contact our office if you have questions about our children's ministry.

On March 31, 2023, our original building at 221 N. Elm Street was destroyed in the tornadoes that affected many in Central Arkansas.  We have purchased a new building and are currently repairing and remodeling.  If you would like to give to help with our building fund, please click the link below.